Sunday, February 25, 2007

honeymoon type event

Perhaps this is best explained alphabetically, rather than chronologically - based of course on the names of the pictures as saved on our computer.

On Sunday, Sharon and Chad set off on a snowshoe adventure! Third day is the charm!

Coming home through the slush, and bringing sexy back, they encountered a pile of people and pushing at the side of the road. What better exercise after snowshoeing than removing vehicles from ditches!

There were approximately twenty people pushing each vehicle out. And vehicles lining the road near the crash site, just to add to the danger and excitement.

Sunday evening, after venturing to Beaver mines, a chicken was charred and pasta boiled. Outside on the side burner of the barbeque of course- because when a brochure says "fully outfitted kitchen" it means "barbeque - outside". And when it says "satellite TV" it means in the house your hosts live in, not your TV-less room atop the garage. And when it says "hot tub" it means- "Do you want to catch pneumonia?"


What- do you expect this overexposed picture to be corrected in photoshop before posting. Jeesh- so hard to satisfy! It's Sharon by a cool tree, and that should be more than enough!

We stayed at the poached egg. Limber indeed.

Chad looking protected from the sun's harmful rays.

Sharon looking ready to make the mountain her bitch.

During our Sunday excursion, it snowed like a flood in New Orleans, but we adventured through and ate our jam sandwiches anyway.

Chad by a tree. Look at he!

Cooking an egg in a microwave is not as easy as one would expect.

Chad has previous experience destroying microwaves at work. Sealed jars create bombs that hurl molten agarose and pyrex in all directions. Look out eyes!

Our snowshoe adventure- cross-country skiers love it when snowshoers use their trails!

We forgot all the names we used to know- now it's only snow!

Snowshoeing creates more than fun- it also creates blisters!

Every morning we greeted an owl of fruit, a pitcher of milk, a pitcher of juice, four eggs, six pieces of bread, instant oatmeal, jam and a goat tied to a post for slaughtering at our leisure.

On Saturday we went cross-country skiing- snowshoers hate it when you ski on their trails. and chad lost his hands.

Sharon put her hands on her poles- and can tear up the trails like a grizzly bear on a sleeping camper.

Our snowshoe adventure - full of snow, I told you so!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

finite fun

What happens when every possible combination of numbers has been exhausted? What then? What will Sudoku fans do for fun? What will we do for fun?

Is it on to cucumbers and vinegar?

Let's hope not.

Monday, February 05, 2007


This is a Roger's Sugar packet from Earl's restaurant.
Some might say it was "stolen", or "pinched", or "purloined".
Others that it was merely unused like the cutlery and brought home in the same fashion.